Thursday, December 2, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Many people think that studying abroad means to be alone for a long period of time, feeling homesick because you are far from your family and friends. However, it also has also lots of advantages, especially when there’s a different culture in the country where you go. We must look at both sides of the question.
On the one hand, travelling and meeting new cultures can help to open your mind. Learning a new language, getting used to new habits and meeting people are good ways to become a more mature person. What’s more, you can make lots of friends that will last for the rest of your life. Another important advantage is the fact that you will be able to know the city where you stay, including its their monuments and beautiful places.
But it is also true that at the beginning you can feel alone sometimes because you haven’t made friends yet. It can be hard to try to make friends when the people have different thoughts as yours. In addition, when the country where you go has a very different culture, it’s difficult to get used to it.
In my opinion, there are some disadvantages about studying abroad, but it can be very positive for you to improve your language skills and have more experience.
Advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad BY MARTA ARJONA
Students, when they have the opportunity, think about studying abroad. But, do they care about the disadvantages to of going to another country and leaving home? It is not an easy question, but it has some advantages and disadvantages.
Many people, when they finish their university studies, travel to another city to continue studying. It is a good way to meet boys and girls from different countries and know what their cultures are about, and contrast them with your own culture. In addition, going abroad can help us to improve a language. If you go, for example, to England you will meet people from France, Italy or even from China. What’s more, you will be taught by other teachers and you will probably like it, because it is a new way to learn.
However, studying abroad has some disadvantages. It is too expensive because you have to pay for electricity, the rent of the house where you stay, etc. Moreover, foreigners have to pay higher prices than natives. The great majority of the colleges or universities demand you to have a high level of English or any language, as well. Furthermore, you will miss your family, friends and the habits you had at home.
In conclusion, I think that studying abroad, although it has some disadvantages, can open up you new horizons and learn new ways to study and make friends.
Many people think that studying abroad is very important because they say that it is a special experience. There are many reasons for going to study abroad. However, there are also some disadvantages.
One advantage of studying abroad is that people learn a lot of new things, for example, a foreign language and a career. What’s more, students can learn about another country and other customs because they meet new people persons, for example, in the university.
On the other hand, studying abroad is a difficult experience at the beginning because you are away from your family and your friends. Furthermore, you have to adapt to your new life because there are a lot of changes in your habits.
In conclusion, I think that studying abroad is a good idea because you learn a lot of new things and you meet interesting people, but it is hard because you are not with your family.
I have not written in the blog for a long time now (lots of work to do, the exams that you have been taking for a few days, ...).
Well, we have just started unit 3 and ...
remember your homework for next week:
-post the video clip of the song onto your personal blog
-post the lyrics of the song and translate them
-look for some info about the band (where they are from, etc)
See you next week! Enjoy the weekend!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
UNIT 0, 1 AND 2
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
The website for all your self study material!
Practise your English and get great exam results!
An exclusive bank of self study activities for the Oxford Bachillerato student.
Now even easier to use.
The username and password will be given to you by your teacher.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
1. PRESENT YOURSELVES (Name, age, class...)
2. INTRODUCTION (what is the project about? - Parts)
3. TASKS (explain every one)
4. CONCLUSION (what have you learnt? )
5. GLOSSARY (new words you have learnt)
6. THANKS AND CLOSING (say good bye and a personal opinion)
3punts: Segueix perfectament la conversa amb l’interlocutor i si demana aclariments ho fa de manera natural. El seu discurs és coherent i l’apropiat en la situació comunicativa. Expressa les seves idees i opinions amb comoditat i fluïdesa.
2 punts: Mostra alguna dificultat en comprendre l’interlocutor i/o té dificultats a l’hora de demanar aclariments. El seu discurs és en general coherent però no totalment apropiat a la situació comunicativa. Expressa les seves idees i opinions amb esforç visible, afectant el ritme de la conversa.
1 punt: Té dificultats a l’hora de seguir la conversa amb l’interlocutor i també per demanar aclariments. El seu discurs es limita respostes breus a les intervencions de l’interlocutor, sovint no apropiades en una situació de comunicació.
3 punts: És entenedora. L’accent i l’entonació no s’allunyen massa de la norma, encara que hi ha una influència clara de
2 punts: És entenedora però amb forta influència de
1 punt : És fa necessari un esforç de comprensió considerable per part de l’interlocutor i causa malentesos.
Competència Gramatical:
2 punts: Utilitza una gamma variada d’estructures sintàctiques i d’elements morfològics, sense errors sistemàtics.
1 punt: Utilitza una gamma variada d’estructures sintàctiques i d’elements morfològics amb diversitat d’errors.
0.5 punts: Utilitza una gamma variada d’estructures sintàctiques i morfològiques amb molts errors.
Vocabulari i cohesió:
2 punts: variat i apropiat. Li permet expressar-se sense dificultats encara que la cohesió sigui només moderada.
1 punt: En general variat i apropiat. Li permet expressar-se sense dificultats encar que és evident que li falten paraules. Té dificultats a l’hora de cohesionar el discurs.
0.5 punts: És tant redüit que no pot expressar la seva opinió més enllà del que pugui fer amb frases curtes i sense cohesionar
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Most of you would like to take University Studies and will obviously sit the Selectivitat exam.
This link will take you to examples of exams that have been presented to students like you in previous years. So click here
Let's have a look at the 2010 English exam (sèrie 4A) and let's try our first listening task . Please do not panic! You will be fine...
After the listening you might have some questions like:
-what is the importance of minority languages in the world?
-why don't we all speak the same language?
-which are the most used languages in the world and why?
We will try to chat about that in groups of 5 people and after 5 minutes you will present your ideas to the rest of the class.
READING New Student Chatroom
TENSES REVIEW Presen Simple/Present Continuous
Friday, September 10, 2010
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
ÀREA llengua anglesa CURS 2n batxillerat PROFESSOR/A Maria Rosa Ena Vidal |
HORARI DE LA MATÈRIA Dimarts 12-14h, dimecres 14-15h, dijous 9.30-10.30h |
DESCRIPCIÓ DEL CURS Curs de preparació per a l’examen de la selectivitat i per a l’assoliment dels coneixements que es requereixen per a cursar un Cicle Formatiu de Grau Superior. |
CONTINGUTS A TREBALLAR 9 unitats del llibre English in Context (OUP), student’s book and workbook. 3 unitats per trimestre. |
MATERIAL DEL CURS Llibre de text + llibre de lectura The Great Gatsby. Llocs web i recursos varis que es treballaran a classe (wikispaces, blogger, delicious, glogster, audacity, hot potatoes, powerpoint presentations, podcasts, ...), listenings de proves de selectivitat, etc. MATERIALS NECESSARIS PER LA CLASSE Ganes de treballar amb la llengua anglesa. Una llibreta o dossier per prendre apunts. Cada alumne tindrà un compte de gmail i crearà un blog personal amb blogger. |
CRITERIS D’Avaluació L’avaluació serà contínua, amb observació sistemàtica del procés d’aprenentatge i anàlisi del progrés de cada alumne. La nota del blog personal, l’actitud, la participació, l’assistència, els conceptes i els procediments, els exàmens es tindran en compte per calcular la nota final. Si el blog no està aprovat, no s’aprovarà la matèria. El blog haurà d’estar sempre polit i ordenat, amb la data de cada sessió, indicació de la unitat, pàgina, número d’exercici, glossari de paraules noves, esquemes gramaticals, enllaços, imatges i totes les feines que encomani la professora. Cal ser puntuals en les dates de lliurament de les feines. No es corregiran ni puntuaran en cas de retard. S’encarregaran redaccions de manera regular. Caldrà lliurar-les totes per correu electrònic o moodle segons indicació de la professora per tal de poder prendre part als exàmens del trimestre (1 per unitat). Aquells textos que hagin estat parcialment o totalment copiats de qualsevol font d’informació seran considerats plagi i no seran avaluats. Tampoc seran avaluades les tasques escrites que hagin passat per un traductor. L’assistència a classe i la puntualitat són obligatòries i indispensables per aprovar. Cal fer els exercicis sempre i dedicar una estona al repàs de la matèria cada dia. Hi haurà 1 examen oral cada trimestre i 1 examen escrit després de cada unitat. |
CRITERIS DE LES PAU (writing) 25% maturity 25% text paragraph 25% grammar 25% vocabulary |
Cal aprofitar les classes i fer els deures i treballs per tal de poder assolir els objectius de la matèria i obtenir bons resultats. |
Maria Rosa Ena Vidal
Departament de Llengües Estrangeres
Setembre de 2010